Smart Motor Protection Simocode Series

The three basic units SIMOCODE pro S and SIMOCODE pro V contain all essential motor protection and control functions, serving as the heart of the motor management system SIMOCODE pro. We offer two device series that are functionally graded and harmonized with each other, allowing you to enjoy the full benefits of SIMOCODE pro in all areas of the process industry.

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Product Information

Features and Benefits
  • System and Media Redundancy: System redundancy enables communication with redundant control systems via PROFINET, PROFIBUS, or Modbus RTU, offering maximum system availability.
  • Versatile Motor Protection: Combined with integrated thermistor motor protection, it provides fully comprehensive, all-round motor protection.
  • Integration into Cloud Services: Thanks to open protocols such as OPC UA, SIMOCODE data can be used directly for cloud/edge applications or visualizations.
  • Space-Saving and Scalable: The compact design of the SIMOCODE devices allows for space-saving installation in the motor feeder.

Features and Benefits

  1. System and media redundancy
    System redundancy enables communication with redundant control systems via PROFINET or PROFIBUS and offers maximum system availability.
  2. Versatile motor protection
    Combined with integrated thermistor motor protection, fully comprehensive, all-round motor protection is provided.

  3. Integration into cloud services
    Thanks to open protocols such as OPC UA, SIMOCODE data can be used directly for cloud/edge applications or for visualizations.
  4. Space-saving and scalable
    The compact design of the SIMOCODE devices allows space-saving installation in the motor feeder.

The panels are guaranteed for 12 months after commissioning or 18 months after delivery, with the option for an extended warranty.